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Monday, August 8, 2011

Creating Community

I have been thinking about how important it is for humans to have community to support and sustain them. Most of us crave connection to our "birds of a feather". Science has even told us that we will live longer, healthier, happier lives if we cultivate significant connections. This could mean that you actually see these people regularly, speak to them often and recognize them when they are not in their usual surroundings. This could range from knowing your neighbors to frequenting the same teller at your bank or belonging to a class of some sort. The more connections we have, the more we feel that we belong somewhere or to something. It gives us more reasons to get up in the morning. The more effort you put into those connections, the more value they have in your life. Friendships are the jewels of life. Count yourself lucky if you have more than three genuine friends. If you don't currently have many friends (and I mean real friends)you can begin to cultivate them today. It requires putting yourself out to the people around you. Choose one and do it today.

I have been seeing how easily community can be established, right here in my own back yard. I moved to this house a year ago, loved the neighborhood, loved the inside of the house but the back yard was barren, drab and unhappy. The grass was mostly gone but I kept talking to (and watering) the little patches that had survived the previous residents. I do readings for clients at a table that looks out into that sad back yard. I needed something beautiful to look out at, something to nourish my soul. So, in the spring, I put in a flower bed against the back fence. Now there are ferns hanging on that fence, beside rusty sun faces, moons, stars and other yard art. The bed is filling in nicely with caladiums, ferns, impatiens, purple cone flowers, mandevilla, etc. Now my clients and I can enjoy the view out the window. Birds started hanging out there, so I added a bird bath and some bird feeders and more birds came to play. I had no idea how entertaining the birds and squirrels could be. It is fun to watch how they come in pairs to take their turns at the feeders. It is hilarious to watch the squirrel hanging on the "squirrel proof" feeder, chowing down. I'm going to send a picture of this to the manufacturer and WalMart, too. And, post it on the internet! little community makes me look forward to waking up every morning to watch their antics, or to check at dusk to see if the baby screech owl is having it's bath. Life is good in my back yard and so is my life. Thank you, God.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


It has been almost a year since I last posted to this blog. How did that happen?! Time to recommit. I have so many paintings to share with you and I will be posting pictures of these right away. Needless to say, there is a learning curve that I must work on. That was what tripped me up before. Now, I realize how important this can be to my business. So, be patient with me and I'll hurry and learn as best I can.